e& presents Green SIM cards that are recycled

This change has resulted in an astounding 52% decrease in energy usage.

For its UAE clientele, e has launched the environmentally friendly Green SIM Card program in advance of the 28th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP28) in Dubai.

As e speeds up the implementation of climate action projects in its UAE operations, sustainability continues to be a crucial component of e's overall aim to accomplish its 2030 net-zero target as the event's Principal Technology Partner.

The nation is quickening the pace of its green projects to enable a low-carbon society, lessen environmental effect, and promote sustainability in light of its hosting of COP28 and proclamation of 2023 as the "Year of Sustainability."

The new cards have a reduced carbon footprint than regular cards and are more environmentally friendly because they are made from recycled consumer electronics. To meet the needs of the large number of guests and attendees flying into the UAE for the COP28 conference, more than half a million Green SIM Cards have been purchased.

"As a leader in the technology space, we want to contribute to the global climate efforts by implementing eco-friendly solutions and working with our stakeholders," said Obaid Bokisha, Group Chief Operating Officer of e. While doing this, we also hope to encourage and work together with other companies around the world to make investments in green technologies."

The group's operations in the United Arab Emirates are striving to achieve net zero in scope 1 and 2 by 2030, and they have made significant efforts to decrease their carbon footprint. At each of its mobile network sites, the firm has installed energy-efficient wireless equipment.

Compared to traditional equipment, this change has resulted in an astounding 52% reduction in energy usage, translating into an annual decrease of 7.6 tonnes of carbon emissions per site.

Additionally, e has joined the EDISON Alliance of the World Economic Forum, committing to make a substantial contribution to the mission by working toward the goal of improving the lives of 30 million people by 2025 through improved financial services, network access, and technology education.

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